In 2005, I began building what I call three-dimensional collages. They grow organically from either a specific object, which sparks an idea that eventually manifests itself through wildly divergent materials, or a socio-political concern that needs to be addressed visually.  These mixed media assemblages are created from found objects such as broken toys, car parts, discarded appliances, antique tools, hardware and natural elements collected on the beach or on country roadsides.  Since no natural materials are purchased through normal outlets, the exact classification of found wood or stone can only be estimated.  The influence of my 30 years as a professional actor is reflected in the light, sound, and movement that endow most of my work.  The themes of my work range from pet peeves, to matters of national and worldwide concern.  Cell phone abuse, drug addiction, war for profit, environmental vandalism, immigration, civil rights, Katrina, teenage illiteracy and giant, gilded neon insects found only in Beverly Hills at Awards time have influenced my work.

If science tells us that matter cannot be destroyed, only changed in form, then assemblage is the artistic illustration of this natural law.  As a student of nature and of art, the idea that all objects or portions thereof can provide endless possibilities for expression is fascinating to say the least.  

As ancient alchemists changed lead into gold, a modern DI (Doctor of Imagination) can turn any number of interesting pieces of refuse into social commentary, political satire, or mood enhancement in the form of three-dimensional collages. Working in 3D allows found objects to retain their original form, be combined with other unexpected objects, and with unifying color, and theatrical lighting assume a completely new form and function.  As the ambient light changes around the piece, the shadows it projects will enhance its impact.  Familiar objects presented in an unfamiliar manner will sharply imprint the intended idea in the viewers mind, and become in Shakespeare’s words, “such stuff as dreams are made on”.

I take neglected, malfunctioning, castoffs a turn them into “mega vitamins” for the imagination.  Having survived both cancer, and open-heart surgery, I am a firm believer in second chances.